
Luca Menghini, PhD

Work & Organizational Psychologist, Postdoc in Occupational Health Psychology

University of Trento

I'm a Work & Organizational Psychologist, and currently a postdoc at the University of Trento mainly focused on Occupational Health Psychology and the Psychophysiology of stress, recovery, and sleep.

I'm particularly focused on innovative research methods (wearable technology, experience sampling) to assess job stressors and the associated responses (e.g., HRV) in real time, during work. Here's my CV.


  • Workplace Stress
  • Psychological assessment
  • Applied Psychophysiology
  • Multilevel Modeling


  • PhD in Psychological Sciences, 2021

  • MSc in Work Psychology, 2016

  • BSc in Social & Work Psychology, 2014

Research projects

Experience sampling measurement of workplace stress

An example of using the in-built project page.

Physical Workplace Characteristics and Wellbeing at Work

Analysis of the impact of changes in physical workplace features (lighting, aestetichs, office layout) on multiple indicators of employee health and well-being (perceived comfort, mood, sleep, HRV, cortisol).


👔 Psychological consultance
Consultance to organizations & individuals on work stress assessment, stress management, job design, psychological assessment, training, counseling, and psycho-education

🔬 Research consultance
Quantitative & qualitative data collection for psychosocial & psychophysiological assessment

📈 Statistical consultance
Self-report, behavioral, and physiological data analysis

⌚ Technical consultance
Wearable and mobile technologies to monitor sleep and physiological signals linked to stress


👔 Professional training on health and safety at work, workplace stress, and well-being at work.
🎓 Academic teaching on data analysis, psychometrics, research methods, psychophysiology, and work and organizational psychology.


Research groups

I'm currently collaborating with the WE.BE.WO. Lab (University of Trento), an occupational health psychology group aimed at improving the quality of working life and organizational well-being.

I'm part of Psicostat (University of Padova). We are an interdisciplinary research group interested in quantitative psychology, psychometrics, psychological testing, and statistics. Subscrive to our mailing list to get updated on our monthly online meetings!

I took my PhD at the Psychophysiology Lab (University of Padova), focusing on basic psychophysiological processes (mind-body interactions), and their involvement in anxiety, stress, and depression.

Psychophysiology of the stress response: When does stress cause illness?

Stress is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, involving multiple processes placed on different epistemological levels investigated …

Multilevel modeling: Analyzing complex data when one level is not enough

When individuals are nested within groups or organizations, or when repeated measures are taken from the same individuals, data points …
