Data analysis

🎓 Advanced data analysis for psychological science (University of Padova)

42-hour introduction to two advanced data analysis techniques commonly used in contemporary psychological science, namely multilevel modeling (linear mixed-effects regression) and multivariate regression modeling with latent and observed variables (SEM and path analysis).

🎓 Data analysis with the R software (University of Padova)

Optional laboratory on practical exercises on conducting data analysis with R, conducted in the academic year 2021-2022 within the course 'Data analysis in comunity contexts' for the Master Degree in Psychology of community, wellness promotion, and social change at the University of Padova, Italy

🎓 Psychophysiology of work-related stress (University of Bologna)

Theoretical and practical seminar on stress research theories and methods, conducted in the academic years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 within the course ‘Theories and Methods in Occupational Health Psychology’ for the Master Degree in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Course program The stress response The allostatic load theory and the consequences of stress on health Psychological theories of stress