
Call to action: An open-source pipeline for standardized performance evaluation of sleep-tracking technology

Update of analytical pipelines and Python code to analyze the performance of wearable sleep trackers.

Workplace stress in real time: Three parsimonious scales for the experience sampling measurement of stressors and strain at work

Three-day experience sampling methods protocol with 139 employees. Analysis of the psychometric properties of measures of stressors and …

Rigorous performance evaluation (previously, “validation”) for informed use of new technologies for sleep health measurement

Rationale and guidelines for the new article type in Sleep Health concerning the evaluation of the performance of sleep technologies

Age Diversity Climate Affecting Individual-Level Work-Related Outcomes

Two-wave one-month panel study on the relationship between age diversity climate, well-being, and work engagement.

Workaholism and the Enactment of Bullying Behavior at Work: A Prospective Analysis

Two-wave one-year panel study on the self-reported relationship between workaholism and bullying behavior.

The Importance of Contextualized Psychosocial Risk Indicators in Workplace Stress Assessment: Evidence from the Healthcare Sector

Evaluation of the additional contribution of contextualized over generic psychosocial risk indicators in a sample of 787 healthcare …

Sleep quality and quantity in Italian University students: an actigraphic study

Seven-day actigraphic study with 82 undergrads. Analysis of nocturnal sleep, diurnal nap patterns, and potential explanatory variables.

Approccio interdisciplinare alla gestione del rischio stress lavoro-correlato: Una prospettiva psicofisiologica

Commentary to Balducci & Fraccaroli (2019)‘s article on recent perspectives in workplace stress management.

Stressing the accuracy: Wrist-worn wearable sensor validation over different conditions

Accuracy of the E4 wristband in measuring heart rate variability (HRV) and electrodermal activity (EDA) compared to ECG and finger EDA.

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