🎓 Advanced data analysis for psychological science (University of Padova)

42-hour course providing an introduction to two advanced data analysis techniques commonly used in contemporary psychological science, namely multilevel modeling (linear mixed-effects regression) and multivariate regression modeling with latent and observed variables (SEM and path analysis), conducted in the academic year 2023-2024 for the Master Degree in Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Padova, Italy.

Course program

  • Course info & introduction

  • Part 1: Multilevel modeling (basics of linear mixed-effects regression; Data pre-processing and data preparation; Model evaluation and selection criteria; Coefficient interpretation and visualization)

  • Part 2: Multivariate modeling (selected topics in structural equation modeling: basics of path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis; Data pre-processing and data preparation; Model evaluation, fit indices, and selection criteria; Coefficient interpretation and visualization)

Luca Menghini, PhD
Work & Organizational Psychologist, Postdoc in Occupational Health Psychology

I'm working in the research areas of occupational health psychology, and the psychophysiology of Stress, Recovery, & Sleep.
